Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Hey guys! Just a little note to let you all know that I have made it safely to Fortaleza. We had a lovely day off on Sunday, beers, a full meal and explored the night life of Fortaleza. Yesterday was a bit of a mission getting provisions for Jamie and I (detailed story to come in Trinidad-Tobago), not to mention for Greg trying to get fuel and water on to the boat. The docks here are super dodgy and you have to time getting on to the boat just right with the surges which can be a bit of a challenge. We are heading out in a couple hours to continue on to Trinidad-Tobago.

Life aboard the boat has been fantastic. Nothing like being stuck at sea to force you to stop and 'smell the roses'. The first couple days Greg was making fun of me asking, 'You don't know how to relax, do you?' Well, i finally figured it out ;) We haven't caught any fish yet and are hoping that the new lures we acquired here in Fortaleza will help with that.

I quickly got nick named 'chucky' because i've managed to chuck a few things overboard after doing the dishes. One being an important item to coffee drinkers. I scored some points after getting a coffee press in St. Helena, only to loose them after chucking the plunger into the ocean after one cup of coffee. Sometimes one misses an item or 2 before dumping the dish water overboard ;) The next day I managed to chuck the whistle top off the kettle as well...i guess i'm not meant to make coffee on a boat ;) I did redeem myself by pulling out my camping skills and introducing the Captain to 'cowboy coffee' which has finally settled the score.

We've had pretty calm conditions so we've been stopping mid evening for a swim, swam with a pod of dolphins, have been body surfing behind the boat, reading, cooking, cleaning and fashioning new lures out of whatever we can find on the boat...oh yeah, we even had a braai a few days ago ;)

Jamie and I are a bit nervous about our invitations from King Neptune arriving in a few days, should be about 3 days out of Fortaleza. We have heard so many crazy stories and have no idea what's in store for us. This is one ball i'm not sure I want to attend ;)

I will fill you in when we reach Trinidad-Tobago in about 10 days...until then keep smilin' ;)


Anonymous said...

You just crossed the Atlantic and are about to cross the equator. Isn't that great? Live on the boat seemed quite okay. Great pictures, especially the one with the cute shark lure :-)
Though I think the experience is quite different for Zac being alone in a sail boat, can you now better relate to his trip?

All the best,

Anonymous said...

Ah, Jen, so nice to have your voice back out among us. Great pictures but who are all of these folks?

Sounds like you are handling relaxation just right. Wow, how nice. I love the evening swims, and the sunsets and sunrises must be incredible.

Looking forward to your date with the King stories.

Take Care,
Bend, OR

Zac said...

Hi Jen,
Zac needs your sat phone numberor help setting up the camera on board!! Help!!

Ehvee said...

Have you made it to Ft Lauderdale or the US yet?