I had the most amazing week at the Adventure Sports Photography workshop in Jackson, Wyo. A huge thanks to the incredible staff, faculty and fellow photographers.
Dave Black with his light saver before a light painting demo...it even had sound effects!
Zac got to see some of the sites and unique aspects of Darwin, the most exciting being the ever so friendly crocs. Zac also had a cultural tour, spoke for the young sailors at the Yacht Club, and saw some of the wildlife in Darwin.
Here are some photos from Zac's first day in Darwin. The boat was taken out of the water for some maintenance work before Zac's next leg to Cocos-Keeling. Zac also got to see his family back home while talking to them on Skype for the first time since he left. His youngest brother, Ben just turned one a few weeks ago and has grown a lot since Zac last saw him.
After an emergency stop in Papua, New Guinea and not much wind on the way to Darwin, Zac Sunderland finally made it into port. He will be taking the boat out to do some maintenance while here in Darwin and will be preparing for his next leg to Cocos-Keeling.